Mumbai: Late Yash Chopra’s last directorial venture, ‘Jab Tak Hai Jaan’ has been released today and the premiere of the movie was arranged on Monday last night where the who’s who of the industry and all the leading ladies of Yash Chopra were present there to see it. But there was one leading lady of Yash Chopra’s movies missing and she is a big name of the industry. She is none other than Kajol. She was not invited at all to join in the bandwagon of other Yash Chopra’s ladies.
The reason behind her not being invited is obvious – the legal tussle between Kajo’s husband Ajay Devgn and Yash Raj Films. Kajol was the leading babe of YRF’s biggest blockbuster ever Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge. But the tussle coerced the banner not to invite her. All present out there was missing her a lot.
Ajay Devgan’s Son of Sardar and YRF’s Jab Tak Hai Jaan both released today on the happy occasion of Diwali.
Tanisha, Kajol’s younger sister, did not like her sister not being invited at the premiere and she tweeted her displeasure saying her sister was the main heroine of Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge and she said that she condemned the shameful act done by Rani Mukherjee (who is the cousin of Kajol and Tanisha but she is more close to YRF due to her alleged love affair with Aditya Chopra), Shah Rukh Khan, Uday Chopra, Aditya Chopra and Yash Chopra’s family.
Salman Khan too was there at the premiere with the obvisou reason – Katrina Kaif. Salman has been promoting Ajay Devgn’s Son of Sardar on Twitter.
The leading ladies of Yash Chopra from Sri Devi to Madhuri Dixit to Rekha and Aishwarya Rai – all were present there to watch the premiere of Chopra’s last directorial venture.
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