Mumbai: Arjun Bajwa, the actor with finesse class of acting, has been endowing the viewers of Hindi cinema and south film industry with his astonishing skills. The actor is now all geared up for his upcoming Hidni project, ‘Son of a Sardar’ due to release this Diwali. Bajwa is looking forward to the release of the movie anxiously as he is playing the pivotal and attention grabbing role in the film.
He feels proud and excited working with the giants like Ajay Devgn and Sanjay Dutt. Son of a Sardar is the much-awaited film and the Hindi cinema lovers have been sitting on the edge of the seat to wait for the film with excitement. And obviously their excitement would see more joys once the movie lands into the theaters.
The film features the likes of Ajay Devgn, Sanjay Dutt, Sonakshi Sinha and Juhi Chawla in major roles. And Arjun’s role is something of a specially knitted one as he enacts a doctor in the movie who has the obsequious kind of relationship with the leading babe Sonakshi Sinha. His role is not only funny but also interesting to watch and he is sure to hit the audiences’ hearts with his usual acting class.
When asked how did he feel working with the likes of Ajay and Sanjay. He responded that Devgn happened to be the apt and perfect inspiration for the younger lot of actors. He seems to be much impressed by Ajay’s involvement in the filmmaking procedure. Bajwa is also impressed by Sanjay Dutt’s being a kind-hearted person and he says he is a real rockstar.
Arjun feels proud to be attached with the colossal multi-starrer project like Son of a Sardar. He liked shooting with Sonakshi Sinha since he says she is a spontaneous actress of Hindi cinema. Son of a Sardar is a comic caper and Arjun liked doing comedy.
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