Mumbai: Saif Ali Khan and Deepika Padukone starrer movie ‘Cocktail’ has been making bigger waves in the media. The film has now started getting bigger buzz among the masses through the social networking sites. The film is in mammoth news and getting giant headlines, which has eventually made the flick a bigger venture (apparently, the actual status will be known once the movie is out in theaters).
In this film, another beauty is starred and she is Diana Penty. The producers of the movie have begun jumping with utter joys as the promo of the movie has simply crossed one million views in just 2.5 days time on YouTube. This is really incredible and magnificent growth for the film among the viewers.
Cocktail party’s invites have been sent through Facebook and the promotional activities of the movie have been done through Twitter. The online launch of the first look of Cocktail was dolled up on Sunday midnight. A close source from the production abode utters that the idea to generate the online buzz among the masses has turned out to be super beneficial and beyond expectations. The source from the production house further adds that they liked to confer the movie certain exclusivity online and they succeeded in it and now they have bigger plans for the promotional activities on television.
The makers are truly excited with the response they received from Twitter and Facebook. Just three tweets brought them 900 followers on the official page of the film. The film has been written by the talented Imitiaz Ali and Homi Adajania has directed it.
The film had previously generated much buzz about the closeness of Deepika Padukone and Saif Ali Khan and there happened many rumors about the same, which made Kareena Kapoor really worried. Well, apparently those were rumors, we do not know the actual facts.
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