Mumbai: Karan Johar’s birthday bash has been quite IN the news these days. A lot of buzz has been doing on his 40th birthday party which is to happen on May 25th at a five star hotel in Mumbai. The preparations are going on and Manish Malhotra, the famed Bollywood fashion designer, has been specially roped in to do with the preparations. He is in charge of the whole things at the party. Karan has given him free hand to do whatever he wants. But Karan Johar has asked him to make it super lavish. Thus Manish is taking full concentration on Johar’s liking. The buzz is that Karan and Manish want that Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan both turn friends once again therefore the hidden preparations for the same have also been happening. Salman too is scheduled to attend the party.
There was the buzz about Priyanka’s not attending the birthday party since she and Johar do not share good rapport since quite some time. Both turned something of foes sometime back. But now the reports have it that Priyanka was invited at the party and she would be attending the same.
The sources say that Priyanka Chopra was in Europe to attend the graduation ceremony of her younger brother and she cut short her trip and returned back to Mumbai. She went to Johar and asked about his birthday party’s preparations. Johar too has now confirmed the participation of Priyanka at the party.
Well, if Priyanka comes, then Gauri Khan would not be happy at all since we all know she gets irritated seeing Piggy Chops but KJo must have made some preparations for this as well.
All eyes are on this party for the likely to happen patch of Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan. When the like of Karan Johar is behind, the patch can surely happen.
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