Home » » 'Anchorman 2' Has a Pants Party! — POSTER
May 16

'Anchorman 2' Has a Pants Party! — POSTER

There's an invite the people behind Anchorman 2 would like to extend your way, and it comes in the form of the film's first poster. The sequel to the 2004 hit that launched Will Ferrell to high-volume stardom is getting an early start on promotion. First, it was announced that a trailer for Anchorman 2 would accompany the release of The Dictator, which opens today. And now, the world has been graced by the bottom half of the classiest suits to grace the streets of San Diego.

But there's something strange about the below poster. While the pants of star Ron Burgundy (Ferrell) and, supposedly, Brian Fantana (Paul Rudd) are in keeping with the actors' two-legged approach to existence, the bottom halves of Champ Kind (David Koechner) and Brick Tamland (Steve Carell) seem a bit incomplete. Why do Koechner and Carell only have one leg each? Have their characters been fused together after some kind of tragic accident? If so... this is going to be the best sequel ever.



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