Last week, Vidya Balan was in Varanasi for a brand endorsement. The actress all of a sudden, urged for the famous Banarasi paan. Besides the paan, Vidya also wanted to purchase a few Banarasi sarees.
An adventurous lady that she is, Vidya dressed up in the traditional attire, covered her face with the dupatta and ventured out on a cycle rickshaw.
Says a friend close to the actress: “Vidya was staying at a five-star hotel when she expressed her desire to go to the local market and buy some Banarasi sarees. She was also keen to eat the famous Banarasi paan. However, her staff cautioned her that she would be mobbed and it would be a tough task to travel to the local markets without being recognised.”
Her friend added: “She took one of her staff members along on her secret trip. She not only shopped but also managed to eat a paan without being recognised.”
It must have been lots of fun, right Vidya?
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