Mumbai: The bubbly actress of Bollywood abode, Preity Zinta is geared up for her maiden production, ‘Ishkq in Paris’ which is slated for November 2nd release all over. Preity Zinta says, when a question was asked about her relationship and love, that she has no time at all for love. She utters that she is quite busy with her professional life and she will certainly get married one day. Zinta asserts once she makes up her mind for the marriage, she will definitely announce it in public.
She was linked with various men – cricketer Yuvvraj Singh, Brett Lee and New York hotelier Vikram Chatwal after breaking up with Nes Wadia, the heir of Bobmay Dying. With Nes, Preity opened up and announced the relationship in public. They openly dated and it was a serious relationship which seemed to be leading to marriage.
Prior to Nes Wadia, Preity Zinta dated model Marc Robinson and after they two separated, she started seeing Nes Wadia during 2005 to 2009. They still are friends since they both run IPL team Kings XI Punjab.
Preity was last seen in Deepa Mehta’s Heaven on Earth released in 2008. It was a Canadian film that was dubbed in Hindi with the title ‘Videsh’. After the hiatus of four years, the actress is now returning to cinema with Ishkq in Paris which she produces and acts in. Prem Soni has directed the movie. Zinta says that there is no kissing in the film as she is of the view that romance comes from the heart.
The bubbly actress reveals that the movie is a today’s love story and it is not any mature love story rather is a young film for the young audiences. The film is a rom com. Let’s get ready to watch it on screen.
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