Earlier Esha Gupta had said that she stripped for her scene in Raaz 3! Those who have seen the movie will know the scene where the actress gets attacked by cockroaches and she rips her clothes and runs naked in front of several people. However, Esha Gupta denies saying or doing any such scene.
Sources claim that the reason may be Esha’s dad. Apparently Esha’s father is not happy with her for doing such scenes. However, it’s said that Esha’s beau Armaan Gujral, too, has expressed his anger. Armaan is a Delhi-based businessman and the son of the socialite and former model Feroze Gujral and is the grandson of the artist Satish Gujral. And Esha is sure about settling down with him.
A source said, “Armaan and Esha had a showdown a few days ago. Esha Gupta is very serious about settling down with her beau and does not want to upset the Gujral family with her on screen intimate scenes.”
When the news reached the bhatts, they too were shocked with Esha’s comments. According to them the audiences can clearly see that it is she who has shot for the scenes.
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