As the upcoming film of Shirish Kunder “Joker” starring Akshay Kumar and Sonakshi Sinha is all set to release, a relaxed Farah Khan and actress Chitrangaada were seen chatting. Chitra has done a sizzling item number in the film “Joker”. Chitra is ofter tagged as the thinking man’s sex symbol, but do men think, Farah raises the question. To which Chitrangada smartly replies Farah can read her mind as Farah’s thoughts are similar to her about men.
After getting compliments from all corners of being a hottie in Kaafirana song Chitrangada hopes that people will praise her dancing skills too. Her hubby Jyoti Randhawa who is a famous golfer feels his wife looks the hottest in the item number. For many actresses after getting married and having children, puts curtain to their professional career, but how does Chitrangada copes up with it, asks Farah. Chitra replies that no one directly ever said anything negative towards her for being a married heroine.
Chitrangada took a break of 2 years after debuting in Sudhir Mishra’s film “Haazaron Khwaishein Aisi” in 2005. Was it due to the pressures from her hubby and in-laws, to which the tanned beauty replied it was just her own decision, she did not feel she was ambitious that time. After staying at home for such a long period of time, Chitrangada felt she should be back to work, and that’s how she started working again from 2008.
Chitra has successfully maintained the right balance in between her career and family, though she accepts there are good times and bad times! When she was quizzed that what will she choose, whether a good role in a film, or two to three item numbers in a film, as a result of which she will be invited to perform at different dance shows and earn a lot of money, Chitrangada promptly replied she will opt for both. And for money she is ready to do item numbers.
Chitrangada has got renewed interest in dance numbers and now she is ready to perform at award functions. When asked of a celebrity whom she finds hot in the industry, Chitrangada took the name of Malaika Arora Khan. And for men, she liked the item number of John Abraham in his film “Vicki Donor”. Also Salman Khan is a hot hunk. She finds other actors to be also fantastic. Chitrangada also said she has got no friends from the contemporaries of the industry.
The 37 years old actress, is also known for her performance in the commercial flick “Desi Boyz” in 2011. Chitrangada Singh is also known to be the look-alike of the late actress Smita Patil. She was a model living in Delhi first before she joined the film industry. She also performed in a video by Gulzar Saab named “Sunset Point”.
The role of Geeta Rao in Mishra’s “Haazaron Khwaishein Aisi” made her to earn acclamations all over the nation. And with Shirish Kunder’s “Joker”” she is going to debut as an item girl in the industry.
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