Mumbai: The reports have it that the utmost sexiest babe of Bollywood Malaika Arora might be roped in to host a road safety show for Delhi police. From the celebs like Saif Ali Khan, Kapil Dev, Vivek Oberoi to Virendra Sehwag – all have lent their support for the road safety measures for Delhi police.
Since there is a big issue in the capital about women’s driving much fast, now there is a need to spread the awareness among the women in particular and for this Malaika’s name is being considered to do it. The sources say that she is in talks with the police authorities. Besides this road show, Malaika Arora is also scheduled to do a show for Delhi police in July.
A police officer tells that the women in Delhi have started driving much faster now and the police keep on cutting challans for it. This issue is getting strengthened a lot and is fast increasing in the city. He mentions that the women drive around 130-140 kms per hour which is much dangerous speed on the roads. He adds that since Malaika shows deep interest in doing something for the traffic police of Delhi, the authorities think that she might be the right choice for this work. By roping her in, she will be letting the women know that driving fast is okay on screen but not good on actual roads.
The sources reveal that Malaika contacted the police in Delhi last Friday and showed her interest in spreading the awareness of safe driving. The talks between Ms. Khan and police authorities are going on and once anything fruitful happens, the reports will be furnished in the media. The buzz is that the cast of the Cocktail movie will also join her in this awareness. Cocktail crew will be there for the film’s promotion.
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