Mumbai: Karan Johar’s much-awaited and hugely publicized 40th birthday bash finally took place on May 25th at a five star hotel in Mumbai. As mentioned before in our reports that Manish Malhotra, the famed Bollywood designer, did the arrangements for the party. The reports also showed that Priyanka Chopra would not be the part of the guests at the bash. But at the eleventh hour, Karan invited her over and she turned up at the party wearing a bronze and black gown. The rumors about the rift between Karan Johar and Priyanka Chopra silenced post her stepping inside the party terra firma.
Well, now the question has been hitting everybody’s mind as to how Priyanka Chopra was invited at Karan Johar’s birthday party? This is what happened that filmmaker and actor Farhan Akhtar turned to be a peacemaker between the two – Johar and Chopra. Then Karan took the special permission from his best friend Gauri Khan (Shah Rukh Khan’s wife) to invite Priyanka Chopra at the party. As it is a known fact now that Gauri does not want Priyanka where Shah Rukh is around. Thus Gauri gave permission to Johar but with some rules to be applied. She mentioned that both Shah Rukh and Priyanka would maintain a certain distance that happens at social gatherings. In addition to it, she also has strictly issued the warning to Khan not to work with Priyanka Chopra in any future film (as per reports).
With these rules in place, Priyanka was invited and she came at midnight at Karan Johar’s lavish birthday party where almost the entire Bollywood fraternity was present. Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif were also invited but they did not come due to some reasons.
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