Mumbai: Karan Johar, the successful producer and renowned film director of Bollywood cinema who is also a famous chat show host, is going to celebrate his 40th birthday on May 25th. This time around he wants to make it super big which is why the entire film industry would be there at the lavish bash. The famed fashion designer Manish Malhotra has been given the task to make the arrangements of the party. It has also been learnt that Karan wants Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan to re-unite once again leaving their arch rivalry behind. Thus to make them friends again, Karan and Manish have designed some plan which is hidden but will be out at the party.
Karan Johar is on good friendly terms with Salman Khan and his family nowadays. Shah Rukh and his family is already his own family. Thus he wants two Khans to be friends. Interestingly, Shah Rukh Khan’s another rival Aamir Khan too will be gracing the event.
More than 300 people have been sent the invites. But one babe is missing from the coveted list of invitees. She is none other than Priyanka Chopra, with whom Karan is not on good terms nowadays. The sources claim that behind not inviting Priyanka lies the fact that Karan does not want to upset Gauri Khan since there have been rumors about Shah Rukh and Priyanka’s love affair.
The party will be thrown at a five star hotel in Mumbai. The ex-flames would be there like Shahid Kapoor-Kareena Kapoor, John Abraham-Bipasha Basu and Deepika Padukone-Siddhartha Mallaya. We may expect the reunions of some of them. Ram Gopal Verma has also not been invited as we all know that both Karan and Ramu do not share good rapport with each other and never leave any chance to take a dig at each other
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